1. Project Setup and Infrastructure¶
Documentation References¶
system_overview: "docs/overview/system-architecture.md"
server_design: "docs/implementation/server/architecture.md"
client_design: "docs/implementation/client/architecture.md"
ai_design: "docs/implementation/ai/architecture.md"
repository: "docs/technical/setup/repository.md"
development: "docs/technical/setup/development.md"
ci_cd: "docs/technical/setup/ci-cd.md"
language: "Go 1.21+"
- "gorilla/websocket"
- "gorm"
language: "TypeScript"
framework: "React"
- "react"
- "redux"
- "typescript"
language: "Python 3.11+"
- "tensorflow-lite"
- "numpy"
1.1 Development Environment Setup¶
Tasks and Acceptance Criteria:
- [ ] Initialize Git repository structure
- [ ] Repository has clear structure with documentation
- [ ] Automated linting runs on commits
- [ ] Documentation site builds successfully
- [ ] All team members can build project locally
- [ ] Set up project documentation with MkDocs
- [ ] Documentation is accessible and properly organized
- [ ] Navigation structure is intuitive
- [ ] Configure linting and code formatting
- [ ] All code follows style guide
- [ ] Linting runs automatically
- [ ] Set up CI/CD pipeline
- [ ] Pipeline validates cross-component integration
- [ ] Pipeline runs automatically on commits
1.2 Server Environment (Go)¶
Tasks and Acceptance Criteria:
- [ ] Set up Go 1.21+ environment
- [ ] Server builds successfully
- [ ] Dependencies are properly versioned
- [ ] Basic HTTP endpoint responds correctly
- [ ] Test suite runs successfully
- [ ] Configure server project structure
- [ ] Directory structure follows best practices
- [ ] Component boundaries are well-defined
- [ ] Set up dependency management
- [ ] Dependencies are properly versioned
- [ ] Installation process is documented
- [ ] Create basic server endpoints
- [ ] Endpoints are properly defined
- [ ] Error handling is in place
1.3 Client Environment (TypeScript/React)¶
Tasks and Acceptance Criteria:
- [ ] Initialize React project
- [ ] Client builds without errors
- [ ] TypeScript type checking passes
- [ ] Basic UI renders correctly
- [ ] Development hot-reload works
- [ ] Set up TypeScript configuration
- [ ] TypeScript configuration is properly set up
- [ ] Type safety is enforced
- [ ] Configure build system
- [ ] Build system is properly configured
- [ ] Build process is automated
- [ ] Create basic UI shell
- [ ] UI shell is properly set up
- [ ] UI components are well-defined
1.4 AI Environment (Python)¶
Tasks and Acceptance Criteria:
- [ ] Set up Python 3.11+ environment
- [ ] Python environment activates correctly
- [ ] TensorFlow Lite loads successfully
- [ ] Basic model inference works
- [ ] Test suite passes
- [ ] Configure AI project structure
- [ ] Directory structure follows best practices
- [ ] Component boundaries are well-defined
- [ ] Set up TensorFlow Lite
- [ ] TensorFlow Lite is properly set up
- [ ] Model optimization is in place
- [ ] Initialize model serving structure
- [ ] Model serving structure is properly set up
- [ ] Model serving is automated