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AI Service Health Monitoring


The AI service implements health monitoring to track model loading, inference performance, and system resources on the Raspberry Pi.


1. Health Check Endpoint

# src/health/
from flask import jsonify
from time import time
import psutil
import tensorflow as tf

from .model import check_model_loaded
from .system import check_system_resources

def health():
    model_status = check_model_loaded()
    system_status = check_system_resources()

    return jsonify({
        'status': 'healthy' if model_status and system_status else 'unhealthy',
        'timestamp': int(time() * 1000),
        'version': '1.0.0',
        'service': 'ai',
        'dependencies': {
            'model': 'loaded' if model_status else 'unloaded',
            'system': system_status

2. Model Health

# src/health/
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from typing import Dict

class ModelHealth:
    def __init__(self, model_path: str):
        self.interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=model_path)
        self.last_inference = 0
        self.inference_times = []

    def check_model_loaded(self) -> bool:
            # Test inference with dummy input
            input_details = self.interpreter.get_input_details()
            dummy_input = np.zeros(input_details[0]['shape'], dtype=np.float32)

            self.interpreter.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], dummy_input)
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Model health check failed: {e}")
            return False

    def track_inference(self, duration_ms: float):
        """Track inference times for monitoring"""
        if len(self.inference_times) > 100:

    def get_stats(self) -> Dict[str, float]:
        """Get inference statistics"""
        if not self.inference_times:
            return {
                'avg_inference_ms': 0,
                'max_inference_ms': 0,
                'min_inference_ms': 0

        return {
            'avg_inference_ms': np.mean(self.inference_times),
            'max_inference_ms': np.max(self.inference_times),
            'min_inference_ms': np.min(self.inference_times)

3. System Health

# src/health/
import psutil
from typing import Dict

def check_system_resources() -> Dict[str, float]:
    """Check system resource usage"""
        cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1)
        memory = psutil.virtual_memory()
        disk = psutil.disk_usage('/')

        # Check thresholds
        if (cpu_percent > 90 or 
            memory.percent > 90 or 
            disk.percent > 90):
            return 'overloaded'

        return 'normal'
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"System health check failed: {e}")
        return 'unknown'

Docker Integration

1. Health Check Configuration

# docker-compose.yml
      context: ./ai
      dockerfile: ../docker/dev/ai.Dockerfile
      test: ["CMD", "wget", "-qO-", "http://localhost:5000/health"]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3

2. Dockerfile Setup

# docker/dev/ai.Dockerfile
FROM python:3.11-slim

# Health check dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget curl

WORKDIR /app/ai
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . .

# Health check setup
HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=10s --start-period=30s --retries=3 \
    CMD wget -qO- http://localhost:5000/health || exit 1

CMD ["python", ""]

Error Handling

1. Model Recovery

# src/model/
import time
from typing import Optional
import tensorflow as tf

class ModelRecovery:
    def __init__(self, model_path: str):
        self.model_path = model_path
        self.interpreter: Optional[tf.lite.Interpreter] = None
        self.load_attempts = 0

    def load_model(self) -> bool:
        """Load model with retry logic"""
        if self.load_attempts >= 3:
            raise Exception("Failed to load model after 3 attempts")

            self.interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=self.model_path)
            self.load_attempts = 0
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            self.load_attempts += 1
            print(f"Model load attempt {self.load_attempts} failed: {e}")
            time.sleep(self.load_attempts * 2)  # Exponential backoff
            return False

2. Resource Management

# src/health/
import psutil
import gc
from typing import Dict

class ResourceManager:
    def __init__(self):
        self.warning_threshold = 80  # Percentage
        self.critical_threshold = 90  # Percentage

    def check_resources(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Check system resources and take action if needed"""
        cpu = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1)
        memory = psutil.virtual_memory()

        status = {
            'cpu': 'normal',
            'memory': 'normal'

        # Handle high CPU
        if cpu > self.critical_threshold:
            status['cpu'] = 'critical'
        elif cpu > self.warning_threshold:
            status['cpu'] = 'warning'

        # Handle high memory
        if memory.percent > self.critical_threshold:
            status['memory'] = 'critical'
            gc.collect()  # Force garbage collection
        elif memory.percent > self.warning_threshold:
            status['memory'] = 'warning'

        return status


1. Health Check Script

# scripts/

check_ai() {
    response=$(curl -s http://localhost:5000/health)
    status=$(echo $response | jq -r '.status')

    if [ "$status" = "healthy" ]; then
        echo "AI service is healthy"
        return 0
        echo "AI service is unhealthy"
        echo "Response: $response"
        return 1


2. Logging

# src/utils/
import logging
from typing import Optional
from datetime import datetime

class AILogger:
    def __init__(self, log_path: Optional[str] = None):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('ai_service')

        if log_path:
            handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path)
            handler = logging.StreamHandler()

        formatter = logging.Formatter(
            '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'

    def log_inference(self, duration_ms: float, success: bool):
        """Log inference attempt"""
            f"Inference completed: duration={duration_ms}ms success={success}"

    def log_health(self, health_status: dict):
        """Log health check""""Health check: {health_status}")

Best Practices

  1. Resource Management
  2. Monitor CPU usage
  3. Track memory consumption
  4. Handle resource constraints

  5. Model Health

  6. Regular inference tests
  7. Performance tracking
  8. Automatic recovery

  9. System Health

  10. Resource monitoring
  11. Garbage collection
  12. Error logging

Version History

  • v1.0: Initial health monitoring
  • v1.1: Added resource management
  • v1.2: Enhanced model monitoring
  • v2.0: Updated for simplified battle mechanics